Emily Rivers, a forensic investigator and medium, receives devastating news: her long-missing parents have been declared officially deceased. Returning to her inherited esoteric shop, Eternal Memories, Emily stumbles upon her mother’s journal, detailing eerie events at the abandoned Starlight Dreams Hotel. Drawn by the mystery, Emily ventures into the hotel’s haunted halls, encountering restless spirits, cryptic clues, and a malevolent entity known as the Lurker. Will she unravel the secrets of the 13th floor and the truth behind her family’s disappearance, or will the echoes of the past consume her?
Experience an exclusive bonus chapter, revealing untold secrets and offering fresh challenges
Every decision you make shapes Emily’s fate, influencing the story’s outcome and unraveling the haunting mystery in unexpected ways!
Dive into beautifully crafted hidden-object scenes, uncovering vital clues to progress through the chilling narrative!
Solve a variety of intricate puzzles and enjoy relaxing mini-games!
Discover a range of hidden collectibles and earn unique achievements as you navigate the supernatural world of Starlight Dreams!

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